Mistakes you should avoid when using fire extinguishers

Every commercial building is legally required to install fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire alarms, and other fire safety devices in compliance with the fire safety codes in the area. Fire extinguishers are crucial to control small fires and eliminate any potential fire threats. In addition to fire extinguisher installation, it is also critical to ensure proper fire extinguisher maintenance to ensure they are operable when needed. In case of a fire emergency, a well-functioning fire extinguisher comes in handy.

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

But many times, people make some common mistakes while using fire extinguishers which can put their safety at risk. Here are the top mistakes you should avoid when using fire extinguishers to ensure safety:

  1. When there is a fire threat in front of you, your first instinct might be to grab the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. But, make sure to identify the escape route before using a fire extinguisher so in case the fire cannot be contained, you will be able to quickly evacuate the premises. Many people rush towards the fire to eliminate the threat and later look for an exit, putting their life at risk.
  2. When using the fire extinguisher, make sure you read instructions as some fire extinguisher models may work differently than others. Therefore, it is recommended never to skip looking at the instructions before using the extinguisher.
  3. Moreover, it is crucial to ensure you are using the right type of fire extinguisher to put out the fire. The fire threats are classified into different categories, namely Type A, B, C, D, and K. Each fire requires a specific fire extinguisher. 
  4. When using the fire extinguisher, you should not stand too close to the fire. Just make sure to point the fire extinguisher’s nozzle directly at the firebase while maintaining a 2 meters distance from the fire so you will have the opportunity to escape if you fail to extinguish the fire.
  5. Also, make sure your back is towards the exit while you are dealing with the fire. Make sure there are no obstructions between you and the exit. It will provide easy access to exit when needed. 
  6. Make sure to periodically check the expiration date on the fire extinguishers as they will be ineffective during the fire emergency if the expiration date has passed. 

It is crucial to regularly schedule fire extinguisher maintenance and inspection to ensure compliance with fire safety codes. If you need reliable fire extinguisher services in NY, get in touch with our team for expert assistance.

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